1977 Mopeds
Keeping mopeds running since 2003 We are located at: 1977 Mopeds 217 E. Frank St. Kalamazoo, Mi 49007 Customer Support via Email, or Facebook Messenger Warehouse Hours 9-5 M-F EST The 1977 Mopeds birth follows moped culture in America. Founded by Dan Kastner, one of the founding members of the Moped Army, 1977 Mopeds started as an adventure to outfit the newly formed and under supplied Moped Army and ever expanding moped community. In 2003 we opened the doors for the first time to the very first Moped Culture shop. A shop that was not just a rehash of the 1970’s repair and new Tomos moped store, but a spot designed for the Moped rider as a lifestyle. We were the first Moped Army online store, and continue to grow our product line to encompass what you need as a Moped Rider. Doing punk rock shows, working around the clock, and with a much appreciated hand from the local Decepticon population, ‘77 was able to grow and flourish into the premiere American Moped Shop it is today. Based in Kalamazoo, staffed with riders, for riders, and helping the Moped Community grow right along with us.
The 1977 Mopeds HQ is attached to the Reality Factory, a shared workspace in Beautiful historic Kalamazoo. One block away from the original Gibson Guitar Factory, and four blocks away from Bells Brewery.