ROCK OIL Strawberry Scented Two Stroke Oil
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When you run this stuff, your exhaust fumes smell like strawberries! In fact, the warehouse smells like strawberries right now as well.
Oil Measuring Cup.
In Stock

This measuring cup is great, it has lines on the side indicating a 2% mix for 1, 1/2, or 1/4 gallons.
Motul 510 2T 1 Liter
In Stock

The base model synthetic blend motor oil with new anti-smoke properties, 510 2T is a special formula for in-town and off-road 2-stroke engines. Can be used in all injector and premix systems. It reduces carbon deposits within engines and exhaust pipes. It also reduces the sticking of piston rings.
Ratio Rite
In Stock

Let your Ratio Rite do the math for you.
Take the guesswork out of measuring your two cycle oil. You know that improperly mixing oil and fuel can cause damage to your engine. So to prevent engine damage get your Ratio Rite (pun intended).
The Ratio Rite measuring cup is specifically designed to help you premix gasoline for your two stroke engine. The information molded into this cup is all you'll need to know how to mix ratios as lean as 16:1 to as rich as 70:1 and everything in between. Measure your two cycle oil in cc/milliliters, fluid ounces, and pints.
Made from durable, long lasting plastic that is completely safe to use with fuel and oil.
* Take the guesswork out of the equation with the Ratio Rite cup * The Ratio Rite cup has been calibrated to give accurate measurments for mixing gasoline and pre-mix oil, filling transmission oil, filling fork oil and more
* Gives measurements in: CC's, Fluid Ounces, or Pints Calibrated up to: 500 CC's, 18 Fluid Ounces, or 1 and 1/8 Pints
Motul 710 1 Liter
In Stock

Motul 710. Great for auto injection, or premix. Entry level Motul.
Thread Lock -High Temp
In Stock

A must for Variators, and any bike that vibrates. Pretty much every moped.
Motul TransOil Expert 10W40
In Stock

All purpose transmission fluid
Motul 800 Single Ester 2 Stroke Oil
In Stock

The best 2 stroke oil on the market. This is the oil to take to the race track.
Ester Synthetic base stock has been specially formulated for very high performance 2-stroke engines. Provides up to five times more film strength than petroleum oils and up to four times more than synthetic blends. Handles very high temperatures and burns so CLEAN that POWER VALVE and EXHAUST deposits are all but eliminated
This is a premix oil only, do not use in an autolube Ped.
three bond Loctite Threadlocker -Medium Strength
In Stock

This stuff is a must for putting a drop on any thread you do not want vibrating apart.
This is the medium strength, the rough equivalent to blue Loctite.
Motul 800 4 Liter Jug!
In Stock

The best 2 stroke oil on the market. This is the oil to take to the race track.
Ester Synthetic base stock has been specially formulated for very high performance 2-stroke engines. Provides up to five times more film strength than petroleum oils and up to four times more than synthetic blends. Handles very high temperatures and burns so CLEAN that POWER VALVE and EXHAUST deposits are all but eliminated
This is a premix oil only, do not use in an autolube Ped.
4 Liter Jug!
Kreem Tank Kit plus Liner
In Stock

If your gas tank is so rusty that an inline fuel filter will not solve the problem, you need a more aggressive soloution. The kit includes an acid cleanser to eliminate the rust, a rinse to eliminate the acid, and a liner to keep the rust at bay.
Permatex Hi Temp Silicone -Blue
(Out of Stock)

Blue silicone gasket maker. Sometimes you need some sealant!
Permatex Hi Temp Silicone
(Out of Stock)

Make a gasket. Resist the heat.
Threebond Threadlocker -Extra Strength
(Out of Stock)

This stuff is a must for putting a drop on any thread you do not to take back apart. It is very strong stuff!
This is the extra strength, the rough equivalent to red Loctite.
Motul 800 Double Ester 2 Stroke Oil
(Out of Stock)

The best 2 stroke oil on the market. This is the oil to take to the race track.
Ester Synthetic base stock has been specially formulated for very high performance 2-stroke engines. Provides up to five times more film strength than petroleum oils and up to four times more than synthetic blends. Handles very high temperatures and burns so CLEAN that POWER VALVE and EXHAUST deposits are all but eliminated
This is a premix oil only, do not use in an autolube Ped. The Double Ester provides even higher protection for the highest revs that mopeds can achieve.
Motul TransOil 10W30
(Out of Stock)

It's the Motul 10w30 transmission oil.
You can use it virtually all 2-stroke gearboxes with wet clutches. Bikes like Puch, Sachs, Minarelli, Morini, etc. Holds up to high temps and pressure.
A very super special additive allows proper clutch operation and easy shifting at like any temperature.